Honey Bee Removal


After your kids get home from school, they want to go outside to play. You enjoy going outside with them because you want to stay involved with them. You go outside, then you start throwing the ball around with them. As you throw the ball, you notice a large bee hive on the tree in the back yard. As you approach the bee hive, you see bees swarming around the area. You can hear them buzz, and the sound makes you worry. You know your kids play in the area a lot, so you need to remove the nest. You think about removing the nest yourself, so you go to get some glove. Once you try to remove the nest, you see a lot of bees swarm around you. You stop going near the nest because you are afraid of being stung. Now, you need to find a way to get rid of the bee hive in your backyard.

If you want to get rid of a beehive, then contact Bee Safe in Kemah, TX. Our bee removal specialists have years of experience with live bee removal service in the Kemah, TX area. We know how important it is for parents to ensure their children are safe at all times. We understand it can be scary when you see a large swarm of bees, so we are here for you and your family.

Our live bee removal specialist will come to your home in the quickest amount of time. They will view the bee hive, and they will tell you the process they will use to remove the bees. We care about you and your family, so we will ensure the process that we use will be the safest method for removing the bees from your area. Our live bee removal service is highly recommended. We strive to exceed our customer's expectations.